Frank Crijns, Dirk Bruinsma and Dirk Bruinsma founded Blast in 1989. Blast has had many lineups over its twenty-year existence, including a basic quartet and a small chamber ensemble. There was also a duo with laptops called Blast (2.0). Over the years, the musical focus has varied quite a lot. The group’s musical evolution has gone from being complexly composed art-rock to an open style that blends elements of rock and free improvisation. The band’s sound was formed largely through composition. Even though there’s a lot more freedom in the music, it is still structured in a predetermined way. The latest compositions can be found elements from different periods of Blast’s musical history, as if the group is reflecting on its past. We are working on new notation methods and a method of playing that allows for maximum flexibility while allowing the players to be conductors simultaneously. We use graphical writing, polymetrics and free choice of parameters to create a cohesive sound. The transitions between composed and improvised material are hardly noticeable in the scores. The dynamic range is increased and the tension between abstract music and tonal music becomes more prominent. We are constantly expanding the possibilities of the program and each piece is unique. Frank Crijns, Dirk Bruinsma, and the Dutch Fund for Composition (Performing Art Fund), commissioned Frank Crijns to compose for the quintet, quintet and sextet of the Spectra Ensemble. The seventh Blast CD was released in May 2009. The album is called “Sift” by Chris Cutler and is available on Chris Cutler’s Recommended Records label. From