The Broun Fellinis is a jazz/hip hop trio from the Bay Area. It includes percussionist Professor Boris Karnaz (born Kevin Carnes), bassist Kirk the Savior, and Woodwind player Black Edgar Kenyatta. Their debut album, Aphrokubist Imrovisations Vol. In 1995, their debut, Aphrokubist Improvisations Vol. 9, was released. They have created their own mythology to explain their origins. The group claims they are from Boohaabia, a mythical land that floats off Madagascar’s coast and is surrounded with the Phat Temple and the Ministry of Imagination. Karnaz also claims that Boohaabia can be reached through their music or through Kirk the Redeemer’s bass cabinet, if the pilgrim brings him cashews. Karnaz promises that his listener’s chair would sink six inches into sand and that giraffes would appear ready to take him wherever he wants to go. Allmusic