Artur Smolyn and Sebastian Smolyn are both Defibrillators. They are passionate about improvised music, and they give captivating performances that are full of energy and love for adventure. They studied classical music at conservatories in France, Germany, and Switzerland. They have been part of many well-known ensembles and orchestras. Their combined experience provides the foundation for music that is flexible and follows its own rules. Two musicians push the music, engaging in all that is necessary for its organic flourishing. Their acoustic vocabulary is displayed in a convincing manner. You will discover New Music, Free Jazz and Noise in all its various forms after the show. You will find familiar patterns, harmonies, and tonal references that can be altered and broken. The beat is constantly changing, can be dominant at times, or can get pushed aside by soundscapes and spherical noises. It is an electronic and e-trombone meeting on equal terms when the Smolyn brothers come together. They can trust one another blindly and can challenge each other to push their boundaries. Many concerts were performed by the Smolyn Brothers with Oliver Steidle and Daniel Buess. From