Fat-Suit embarks on a collective musical journey, starting with jazz to explore many soundworlds. The group of rotating musicians was formed in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s collegiate setting. It has quickly energized the vibrant jazz scene in Glasgow. It is made up of musicians from diverse musical backgrounds. They include folk musicians with finesse and rockers with attitude, as well as house artists with grit and rockers with style. Fat-Suit is already exploring new avenues of inquiry, while Snarky Puppy and Vulfpeck are clear influences. Although the approach is looser and more casual, it’s still intended to entertain as well as impress with technical skill. Fat-Suit are renowned for their strength in depth and numbers. They can also call upon some of Scotland’s most talented young musicians, many who were already making waves long before they graduated. The solid application of jazz power and funk power keeps the rhythm section from being too big. The guitars pierce through the waves of brass and keyboards weave intricate shapes around elegant strings. This is next-generation jazz. Highly educated and open-minded musicians create new music for a new century. From www.fatsuit.co.uk