The suffix “nitza”, which is found in Bulgarian, at the end a word indicates a feminine gender. It is found in many common words. Some words are associated with food like “lyutenitza”, a tomato-paprika spread, and “nadenitza,” which refers to sausage. Others are words for activities or games such as “krienitza,” (hide and seek), and “gonenitza,” which refers to a game. There are also words that are related to popular folk dances, some of which are in irregular rhythms such as “ruchenitza”, (in 7/8), and “kopanitza”, (in 11/8) The word “jazzanitza”, which means “jazz”, gives “jazz”, a Bulgarian appearance. This is precisely the reason Jazzanitza’s music was composed by Borislav Petrov. Jazzanitza is a group of Bulgarian jazz musicians whose musical interests are influenced by folk music and contemporary jazz. These musicians are part of the first generation in Bulgaria after 1989’s democratic changes. They had the chance to study jazz abroad and then bring their knowledge back to Bulgaria. Borislav Petrov was the one who brought these musicians together. He let them explore the bold musical endeavor to combine the stylistic expertise and harmonic structure of different jazz styles while carefully blending them with the melodic and rhythmic flavor of Bulgarian folk traditions. Jazzanitza is following the lead of jazz musicians such as Peter Ralchev (Bulgarian instrumental folk music), Milcho Leviev (Bulgarian jazz music), TheodosiiSpassov, AntoniDonchev and others. Their creations over the years have proven that jazz and folk music can co-exist. Jazz musicians in Bulgaria now have a rich heritage to continue building on and adding their own unique signature. Jazzanitza is a new way to combine the two musical languages. Jazzanitza’s music features the use of the Bulgarian asymmetric beats. However, the main feature of odd meters from Bulgaria that Borislav Petrov refers to as “the Bulgarian groove” is one of its most important elements. The natural and dance-like way that some rhythms in Bulgaria get their assimilation is called the “Bulgarian groove”. The rhythms correspond to the steps of dance and are part of the nervous system. This groove is felt by every Bulgarian, no matter how musically-educated. Most rhythms in other cultures are built over a consistent, even-paced basic pulse. This is the foundation on which many rhythmic layers can be added (as in South India’s centuries-old Karnatic tradition). The basic pulse in Bulgaria can be irregular or asymmetrical. It is therefore important to feel the inflections between the long and short pulses. Jazz uses many odd meters and rhythms today, but Jazzanitza’s music focuses on the “Bulgaric groove”. Many compositions are based upon the popular odd-meter dances – ruchenitza (7/8), Kopanitza (11/8), Buchmish (15/8), and other mixed-meter dances.” – Borislav Petrov, the composer. While highlighting the differences between jazz and folk idioms in the improvisations, each member of the band’s unique artistic personality is highlighted. Jazzanitza’s music is a balance between a purposeful compositional style and spontaneous ensemble improvisation. It creates a seamless blend of musical inheritances while staying true to the essences of each of the musical elements. Jazzanitza’s debut album, “Jazzanitza”, was released at the beginning of 2016. Borislav Petrov shared his thoughts about the album: “The journey to this album began around 16 years ago when I met Dimitar Liolev the saxophonist, who opened up my eyes and heart for the magic of Bulgarian Folk Music. After years of research, exploration, and experimentation, I finally had the courage to create music and form a band that reflects my ideas of mixing jazz and Bulgarian folk music. It is an honor to be surrounded by some of my closest friends, with whom I have had the opportunity to grow musically. We are also honored to have Antoni Donchev as our special guest. He is a brilliant composer and pianist, one of the pioneers in Bulgarian folk-jazz. Each composition on the album is dedicated a particular person. Stoyan Yankoulov is one of my musical heroes and was the inspiration for “Gagarin”. He is a pioneer in Bulgarian drumming. “Culture Differents” is dedicated To Theodosii Sassov, kaval player. He once said to me that there is something about Bulgarian folklore music that can’t be cultivated and that is a mystery to all but the Bulgarians. “Acikbas”, which is for a friend of mine from my past who is a talented Turkish singer, is dedicated to him. Together, we travelled around the globe. You can also find compositions written specifically for each member of the band. “Pravokato Magistrala” refers to Ludmil Krumov, while “Ti Si Znaish, Maina” refers to Dimitar Liolev. JAZZANITZA: Borislav Petrov – drums/compositions Dimitar Liolev – alto saxophone Vladimir Karparov – tenor and soprano saxophone Ludmil Krumov – guitar Boris Taslev – bass from