
Peia is a song preserver and has collected songs from ancient traditions from all over the world, from the mountains in Bulgaria to the shores on Ireland. She touches upon the trials and wisdom of Native Americans of North and South America, and preserves the magic of Indian Raga and medieval chant. Peia has traveled extensively in search of melodies that have become wrinkly and wise over time. She tirelessly works to restore their stories, language, and original essence. Peia is a powerful voice in the growing global community of people committed to restoring a healthy relationship with the Earth. She expresses her holistic vision through music, education workshops, and advocacy for indigenous rights groups. Peia is a gifted singer with a wide, clear voice and crystal tone. Her song speaks to the heart with an almost bell-like clarity. Peia sings beautifully, accompanied by harmonium, guitar, and charango. Her ensemble, which is a rotating collaboration, weaves rich vocal harmony, cello, a variety of percussion and flamenco guitar. Peia’s performances combine authentic reimaginings and original songs with stunning repertoire. Peia was born in Connecticut’s back hills and spent her childhood hiding in trees. Peia moved to Boston in 2002 on a generous scholarship. She received extensive training and instruction in opera, western classical voice, vocal pedagogy and composition. My journey with world folk songs began in Boston, when I was a student at New England Conservatory. To the dismay and delight of my Opera professors I became enthralled by the beauty and mystery that is traditional folk music. Peia’s first solo album, The Dance of Devotion, was released in 2012. It contains a collection of beautiful love songs and a lot of Irish wanderlust. Four Great Winds, her second album, was self-released in May 2013. It is a timeless journey through traditional sacred song. Sounds True picked it up for worldwide release in 2015. Peia gained international fame and received requests to perform in Canada, Australia, Bali and Brazil after the release of Four Great Winds. Her music has taken Peia all over the globe and she has collaborated with many top artists, including Coleman Barks, author and Rumi scholar, and mythologist.

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