Scheen Jazzorkester –Background Scheen Jazzorkester was founded in 2010 as a large professional jazz ensemble, based in Skien (Telemark), Norway. It has been a significant force in the Norwegian progressive composer-based ensembles, as well as similar units in Trondheim, Oslo and Bergen. SJO has been a part of many prestigious jazzfestivals and club gigs throughout Norway since its inception. To great critical acclaim have been four albums released to date. A fifth album is currently being recorded and will be released in fall 2017. SJO is made up of 12 musicians and guests, depending on the projects. Audun Kleive, a drummer of international standing, must be mentioned. Thomas Johansson, the trumpeter, is also an internationally touring musician. Rune Klakegg and Guttorm Guttormsen are both veterans of the Norwegian Jazz scene. The ensemble includes several generations. The group includes both classically and jazz-trained musicians. This contributes to the unique sound of contemporary jazz, Nordic sound and classical music. SJO was supported by the Cultural Fund of Norway and Sornorsk Jazz Centre. Band members Jon Oystein Rosland: Tenor sax, Line Rosland: Clarinets, Guttorm Guttormsen: Alto sax/ flute, Andre Kassen: Soprano/tenor sax, Finn Arne Dahl Hansen, Thomas Johansson : Trumpets, Magne Rutle, Benedicte Follegg Hol: Trombones, Asgeir Grong: Bass trombone, Rune Klakegg: Piano, Jan Olav Renvag: Bass, Audun Kleive: Drums