Andreas Schaererer was born in Switzerland in 1976. His childhood was spent in the Valais region, the Alps, mingling among the sheep. He later moved to Bern and the beautiful Emmental region. To complete the Hofwil teacher-training program, he left. Schaerer began his musical career as a young man using tape decks to create compositions like ‘Duo for Sewing Machine’ and ‘Harmony’. He then gained his first stage experience playing guitar in the well-known punk band, Hector Lives. After two extended trips to South America and Central America, Schaererer enrolled at the University of Arts in Bern in 2000. He studied with Sandy Patton, Denise Bregnard and improvisation with Andy Scherrer, as well as composition with Klaus Konig and Christian Henking. He began performing after graduating and co-founded the Bern Jazz Workshop (Jazzwerkstatt Bern), in 2007 with Marc Stucki, Benedikt Rising. This group acts as a point of communication and encourages artistic exchange. Schaererer is a singer who uses a variety of vocal techniques, including raw sprechgesang, which is an expressionist style that combines singing and speaking with sound imitation, beatboxing and scatting. He also has operatic coloratura and beat-boxing. He performs today with his own projects, the Hildegard Lernt Fliegen sextet and duos with Banz Oester and Lucas Niggli, drummer. Schaerer is also a member of the classical saxophone quartet ARTE, and is in a trio together with Peter Rom and Martin Eberle. He also plays with The Beet. Schaererer is a highly sought-after composer and studio musician. He works in many genres, including jazz and freestyle music to hip-hop and soundtracks. His concerts and tours took him to Europe, Russia and China, as well as South Africa. Hildegard Learns To Fly was awarded the Jazz ZKB prize in 2008 and became one the priority jazz acts of the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia. They won the BMW World-Jazz Award and the BMW-audience award in 2014. Bobby McFerrin invited Schaerer to perform in the 2009/10 improvised, unwordless opera, “Bobble”. Schaerer, along with Bobby McFerrin’s performance, has also performed with SowetoKinch, Lucas Niggli and Anton Goudsmith. Schaerer has been teaching vocal jazz, improvisation, and ensemble-playing since 2010 as part of a lectureship at University of Arts Bern. from