Angela Tröndle

Angela Trondle was born January 7, 1983. She was four years old when she received her first music instruction. Her father taught her violin. Angela was raised by her father, a classical musician. She also had the opportunity to play many instruments. At the age of eight, she began lessons in recorder (soprano/alto) and continued to play a little piano. She discovered her love for singing at an early age. In primary school, she began singing in a choir. She continued this long-term, experimenting with many styles (Classical and Jazz, Pop, Avantgarde), often performing solo-parts. She began jazz-singing with Yella Schwarzer in 1998 and took piano lessons. Angela completed her Bachelor Studies in June 2006. She was accepted into the Manhattan School of Music Masters Program (as one of three singers). However, due to financial reasons, she chose to travel to New York to study privately (September-December 2006). Between 1999 and 2006, she attended masterclasses / lessons with Ines Remiger, Lauren Newton and Theo Bleckmann. She is currently enrolled in the University for Music and Dramatic Arts Graz to study with Dena de Rosase. Angela has received several scholarships from the University and the Austrian government between 2004 and 2006. 2006: Angela is part the organizationteam for the 1st Jazzwerkstatt Graz 2007. She is a member of Siegmar Brecher’s “Merry-go-round” 2007 – performer.

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