Armando Trovajoli

Armando Trovajoli, also known as Trovaioli, was an Italian film composer/pianist. He had over 300 credits as composer/or conductor. Many of these credits were jazz scores for low-budget Commedia all’italiana exploitation films. He worked with Vittorio de Sica on several projects, including a segment of Boccaccio 70. Trovajoli was also an author of many Italian musicals, including Rugantino and Aggiungiun posto a Tavola. Trovajoli was the widower and husband of Pier Angeli. Trovajoli, who was 95 years old, died in Rome in February 2013. Source: Wikipedia. Trovajoli was born in Rome and first saw music through his father, a violinist. He began playing the violin at the age of four and, by the age six, had taken up piano and studied music in general. His piano degree cum laude was earned under Mdeg Libero Barni, at the S. Cecilia Conservatory of Music. He began composition studies with Mdeg Angelo Francesco Lavagnino in the meantime. Later, he became his best friend and collaborated with him. Trovajoli, a passionate jazz lover, was for many years the most prominent player of Italian jazz. Trovajoli was invited to play alongside jazz legends like Miles Davies and Louis Armstrong at the International Jazz Festival in Paris. He performed the Concerto In F and Rhapsody of Blue with the S. Cecilia Orchestra, conducted by Willy Ferrero. These concerts were followed by concerts at Teatro Biondo, Palermo. Artur Rodzinski also conducted the concert at Teatro S. Carlo, Naples. Armando Trovajoli is regarded as one of the most diverse musicians of his generation. He has worked with many movie directors, including De Sica and Scola. He also composed the music for Garinei (which ran also in Broadway), Ciao Rudy with Marcello Mastroianni, Aggiungi unposto a tavola (performed internationally from London to Vienna to Madrid to Moscow, from Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro), Accendiamo!, Bravo! and Se il tempo fosse an gambero. Trovajoli composed the music for Carlo Goldoni’s L’impresario delle smirne, in collaboration with Tullio Kazich. He is most well-known in the classical world for his compositions for Franco Petracchi, the Suite for Double Bass and Orchestra Sconcerto. This was performed at the Accademia Di Santa Cecilia under Daniel Oren. Also, recently, Puppet was performed for the inauguration the new Auditorium In Rome. It’s a Scherzo For Violin, Strings, and Percussion performed by Massimo Quarta and the S. Cecilia Orchestra conducted by Gilbert Varga From

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