Black Unity Trio

Joe Phillips is here credited as Yusuf Mumin, a Muslim name. He plays alto sax. Abdul Wadud, who plays cello and bass with him, is also credited under Ron (Ronald) DeVaughn. Haasan Al-hut, a musician who plays percussions, was the last one to be recorded. Wadud, one of the most important cellists of free jazz, is probably the most well-known participant. Phillips was not present at the ESP recording of Norman Howard, which was recently reissued under the title “Burn Baby Burn”. (We’re getting to the darkest corners in free jazz history!). They were probably from Oberlin, where Wadud had studied. Recording date is not indicated but we can think that it took place after 1968 (recording of the Norman Howard ESP session where Phillips is not listed under his muslim name) and before 1972 (release of Julius Hemphill’s “Dogon A.D.” where Wadud is credited under his muslim name and do not double on bass anymore) from

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