Charles Pillow

Charles Pillow is from Baton Rouge in Louisiana. He graduated from Loyola University in college and then went on to earn his Masters in Jazz Studies at Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. He has been a part of over 100 recordings featuring jazz and pop legends like Frank Sinatra (Marih Carey), Jay Z,Luther Vandross (Paul Simon), Bruce Springsteen, John Scofieldsteen, Tom Harrells, Dave Liebman, David Sanborn to name a few) since he moved to NYC in 1987. There are five solo recordings of him: Currents, In this World. Pictures at an Exhibition. The Planets. Van Gogh letters. His recordings feature his skills as an oboist, clarinetist, flutist, and saxophonist. He is also an assistant professor of jazz saxophone at Eastman School of Music. from

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