Christian Vander was born February 21, 1948. He rubbed shoulders with his mother at an early age, and was introduced to renowned jazzmen such as Kenny Clarke, Elvin Jones, and Chet Baker. John Coltrane was a favorite of his, and his death in 1967 left a deep impression on him. He then goes to Italy, where he plays in clubs that feature rhythm’ and jazz bands. He played with Chick Corea and Mal Waldron when he returned to the USA. Magma was founded by him in 1969. It featured about fifty musicians who succeeded each other. Many of them are world-famous now: Jannick Top, Didier Lockwood and Bernard Paganotti. Michel Graillier is another. Christian Vander, Patrick Gauthier and Jean-Pierre Fouquey founded Alien in 1979. The band will be known as Alien Trio, with Michel Graillier u0026 Alby Cullaz. Two albums by the Christian Vander Trio, his jazz band that mainly plays John Coltrane’s music. Day after day and 65! These recordings were made between 1990-93. The Trio is composed of Emmanuel Grimonprez, a double bass player, and Emmanuel Borghi, a pianist. They perform regularly in France and abroad. Jean-Christophe Alluin. Translation by Filipe Ferreira.