Claude Tchamitchian, a Parisian bassist, is part of the new generation of musicians who emerged in the 1990s and reshaped French jazz following in the footsteps Louis Sclavis. Tchamitchian is comfortable in jazz improvisation, but still embraces the jazz tradition. His playing is well-rounded, graceful, melodious, and creative. Lousadzak is his main project. He also plays sideman for Remi Charmasson, Francois Corneloup and Raymond Boni. He has also performed live with Joe McPhee and Jimmy Giuffre. He is an educator and director of Emouvance, a creative jazz label. Tchamitchian (b. Tchamitchian (b. He was self-taught and became a jazz fan at a young age. He met Remi Charmasson and Andre Jaume at the Conservatoire d’Avignon. They recorded his first sessions: Piazza di Luna in 1989 with Jaume’s quintet, as well as the duo album Caminando in 1990 with Charmasson. He released Jeu d’Enfants in 1993, his first solo album. Lousadzak was formed in 1993. It started as a septet. Named after an Armenian word that means “the emergence light”, the name is derived from this Armenian word. Lousadzak’s debut was the catalyst for him to start his own production company. Emouvance was founded in October 1994, and Lousadzak was its first release. Appointed to the National Scene of St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (near Versailles), Tchamitchian has worked extensively between 1995 and 1999 in bringing avant-garde jazz to the masses while teaching double bass and improvisation to advanced students. Lousadzak developed into the Grand Lousadzak orchestra, which released Bassma Suite in 1998 and the Acoustic Lousadzak in 2001 (both of these projects received government funding). The bassist joined forces with his old friends Charmasson, Jullian, and they continue to perform. They have also recorded L’Ombre de la Pluie which was released in 2002.