Talented pianist and musician with many talents (Don Cherry, Jim Pepper and Jane Bunnett Claudine Francois) is a multifaceted artist who incorporates African, Caribbean, and African-American postbop influences in her art without ever abandoning her European roots. After pursuing outstanding classical studies, she went on to become a concert pianist, and then began teaching in high schools and workshops for adolescents, children, and adults. She later turned to jazz improvisation after being exposed to other influences such as the Parisian performance of The Art Ensemble of Chicago. Claudine was able to take part in workshops on jazz with Jacques Thollot and Daniel Humair. She also founded a jazz group. She was awarded the SACEM prize in 1983 at the la Defense competition. Claudine composes music for theatre, dance and has published a compilation of her work (publisher: Henry Lemoine). Claudine started touring with “Cirque De Barbarie”, a musical show. She then began to tour with her own bands after being inspired by John Betsch, an American drummer. With whom she recorded ” Camargue” (along with the regrettable saxophonist Jim Pepper), and ” Healing Force”, a mix of European sensibility and American groove. Claudine’s love for African rhythms and cultures led her to collaborate from Cameroon to Benin musicians with whom she formed the Metis Quintet. This band mixes jazz with sounds from contemporary African sources. The Quintet has performed in France and Africa. The album “Amazon” was released in 2002 with Jean-Jacques Elangue (saxophonist), trumpeter Nicolas Genest (trumpeter), Andre Nkouaga (bassist), and Denis Tchangou (drummer). She continued her adventures with the Metis Quintet and released “Lonely Woman” (Marge), a new Post Bop’ album with Steve Potts, Jean-Jacques Avenel, and John Betsch. She has toured extensively throughout Europe (Berlin and Munich ….). She has also toured extensively in Europe (Berlin, Munich…); and in Africa (Douala Yaounde…). Claudine has performed at many clubs, concerts, and festivals. In Paris; New Morning, Eustache, Duc des Lombards, Sunset, Latitudes, L’Archipel, Alligators, Mecene, Baiser Sale, Auvers Jazz, Cafe de la Plage, Village, L’Arganier, Petit Journal Montparnasse, Cithea, Franc Pinot from http://claudine.francois.free.fr