Cory is only 21 years old, but he’s already a top-notch guitarist/musician here in the Twin Cities. Cory was born in Poughkeepsie in NY, but grew up in Minnesota. He is the preferred guitarist, composer, arranger, and performer for many artists in the upper mid-west. Wong has received instruction and masters courses from Christopher Parkening and Andres Prado. Cory Wong Quartet plays every Tuesday at the Artists Quarter in St. Paul. There are many other venues across the country. Cory is one of the Twin Cities’ most exciting and versatile musicians and has been featured in many publications and websites including NPR, MPR and Mpls/St. Paul magazine. His song, “Upstream”, was the first solo guitar recorded to appear in “Rock Band.” Cory also serves as the Production Manager at Innovative Multimedia Studios and Secret Stash Records. Visit