Daniele Gorgone received his training through seminars and courses with American (Barry Harris and Norman Simmons) and Italian (Dado Mori, Riccardo Zegna and Stefano Bollani). His pianism is characterized by a swing, blues and gospel style. He was able to work with many international jazz musicians at both the record and touring level. He collaborated with Jason Marsalis and Garrison Fewell as well as Andy Gravish, Rachel Gould and Fabrizio Bolso, Patrice Soler, Max Ionata and Mattia Cigalini. He has performed at festivals and countries such as France, Switzerland, USA (Ireland), Germany, Slovenia, Montopoli Jazz Festival, Piacenza Jazz Festival, PC), Gallarate Jazz Festival, MI, Villa Imperiale Jazz Festival, MI, Villa Imperiale Jazz Festival, GE, Beat Onto, BR, Fabrizio Bosso, Roccella Jonica, PJ, Max Ionata, Mattia Cigalini, Emanuele Cisi, Marlene,, a Le jam Montepellier (FR), Le Controtemps Geneve, (CH), Le jam Montepellier, (FR), Le jam Montepellier, (CH), Le Controtemps Geneve, (CH), Le jam Montepellier, FR), FR), Jemboree Barcelona, (SP), Jemboree Barcelona, (FR), Jemboree Barcelona, (FR), Jemboree Barcelona, (FR), Jemboree Barcelona, Batta Le), He was the winner of the Barga Jazz competition section emerging groups (Sep 2006), finalist in the Urbani Prize in 2009, and a critical acclaim in the Chicco Bettinardi contest (PC) 2010. Record publications for leaders include Daniele Gorgone NY trio feat. John Davis and Marco panascia (reg in New York Oct 2008). Daniele Gorgone 4tet feat Dave Schnitter Daniele Gorgone (piano, Max Rolff (double bass), Elisabeth Keledjian (drums), David Schnitter (tenor sax) (Geko Records 2010). Daniele Gorgone trio – Lucky Man feat. Luciano Milanese and Giovanni Paolo Liguori (Blue Art 2014). Sideman: Mingus sound love (Federica Gennai 4-tet – Samjazz, 2007, Mindfullness Giovanni Sanguineti feat. Grant Stewart – video radio, 2009), Mira Que Parla Perico Sambeat italian 4tet Blue Art, 2013, 2014), Angel Song (Guazzo Melani Rolff Gorgone – JC records 2016, 2016), Move The Joy (Kirkpatrick Paoli, Zunino. Palopoli. Ranalli. Full Heads, 2014. From www.cyprusevents.net