David Birchall

Born in Leicester 1981. Manchester musician, living and working with sound and instruments. As an improviser, this performance practice allows you to explore the role of sound in space and the built environment. Improvising with guitars, objects, and other non-fixed instruments. Drawings are made to help me understand my actions and hear what I’m saying. Constructing electronic devices and instruments that can be used as parts of other instruments. Vicky Clarke is responsible for designing, building, and fabricating audio circuits that become instruments in Noise Orchestra. You can do some or all of these activities at different times throughout Europe, Russia, North America, Japan, and North America. Many Manchester-based/related improvisors performed with me, including Sam Andreae and Otto Willberg, Greta Bulkute, THF Drenching (Philip Marks), Greta Buitkute. Luke Poot, Luke Poot, Luke Fairhall, THF Drenching, Richard Scott and Philip Marks. Also, Colin Webster, a London native, and Rogier Smal, a native of Amsterdam. Working with Marshall Allen, Mick Beck and Phil Minton on one-offs or in random studio/stage collaborations has been a common occurrence. from https://davidmbirchall.com

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