Dimitar Bodurov

Dimitar Bodurov, a Bulgarian jazz composer/producer, currently resides in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dimitar was born in Bulgaria on 17 September 1979. He played many instruments, including trombone, piano and saxophone. After graduating from Varna’s music high school (BG), Dimitar studied jazz piano for 2 years at the Conservatory of Sofia. Dimitar has been living and studying in the Netherlands since 2000. He obtained a bachelor’s diploma in 2002. In April 2004, he received his master’s degree from Rotterdam Conservatory major jazz piano. He graduated in November 2006 from the same school with a degree in jazz composition and arranging. Dimitar has been integrating Bulgarian Folklore into his music since 2004. Dimitar, a pianist, is the author of numerous CD albums including Solo piano, Bodurov Trio and Margriet Sjoerdsma. Bodurov has given concerts in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria as well as Belgium, France, Luxembourg. Ireland, Macedonia, Bulgaria, France, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Ireland, Macedonia, Macedonia, and Luxembourg. He has been touring extensively in The Netherlands with Margriet Stjoerdsma and other theatres, festivals, and clubs. They were also selected for the Jazz Impuls Double Concert Tour 2008/2009, which concluded in the Concertgebouw Amsterdam. He is a composer who has composed chamber music for many ensembles, including commissions from Holland Festival, Gergiev Festival and LeineRoebana Dance Group Amsterdam. Dimitar’s works have been honored with several prizes: in 2002, the Erasmus Jazz Competition, Rotterdam, Leidse Stad Jazz Competition In Leiden and the Pim Jacobs Jazz Competition Rotterdam. He participated in the Solo Piano Jazz Competition, Montreux, Switzerland, July 2005. Dimitar was awarded the Young Pianist Foundation Jazz Contest 2007 in January 2007. He was also a participant in the Martial Solal Solo Piano Jazz Competition, Paris 2010. Dimitar has collaborated with Randy Brecker and Didier Lockwood as well as Claron Mcfadden, Theodosii Spassov and Svetlin Ruseev. from http://www.dimitarbodurov.com

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