Eddie Palmieri is a charismatic leader of Latin Jazz and Salsa orchestras. He is well-known for his innovative spirit and charismatic power. He has won nine Grammy Awards for his discography, which includes 36 songs. Eddie was born in Spanish Harlem, 1936. He began piano lessons at an early age. His older brother, Charlie Palmieri, a legendary pianist and Salsa legend, also started piano lessons at an early age. Music was the vehicle of El Barrio for Latin New Yorkers like Eddie. He auditioned for the Weil Recital Hall at age 11. This venue is right next to Carnegie Hall. It was as far away from the Bronx that he could envision. Palmieri was a drummer and joined his uncle’s orchestra when he was 13. Palmieri says, “By age 15, it was goodbye timbales and back at the piano until today.” I am a frustrated drummer so I play it on the piano.
Eddie Palmieri is embracing the future of his music and blazing a unique musical path to the delights of fans around the world. His Latin Jazz and Salsa orchestras are among the most active in the world, with tours that have taken them to Europe, Asia and Australia as well as Latin America, North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. He is a true genius, known for his shrewd arrangements and historical compositions. His legendary style continues to amaze audiences.