Erika Dagnino is a poet and writer. She has written for literary and music magazines like First Literary Review-East, Levure Litteraire, F, Quaderni d’Altri Tempi and SuonoSonda. She has collaborated musically with Anthony Braxton on the CD liner notes of his Italian Quartet, Standards (2006). Recorded live at PP Cafe in Brussels, she works with English saxophonist George Haslam, Italian avant-garde violinist Stefano Pastor and American composer and pianist Chris Brown. She has toured the USA, England, France and Italy performing at festivals such as Clusone Jazz Festival, Phonetica Jazz Festival Maratea, Fiera del Libro di Torino (I), Fiera del Libro di Torino, Fiera del Libro di Torino, I), The Evolving Voice Series, USA, The Abingdon Arts Festival, UK, Oxford Jazz Master Series, UK, COMA Show (ABC No-Rio, USA), The October Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, NYC Festival, NYC, NY (USA), The October Jazz Revolution Festival NYC), The October Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, NYC (USA), The October Jazz Revolution Festival NYC) (USA), The October Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, Jazz Revolution Festival NYC, USA). She has performed with Ken Filiano and Dominic Duval in New York, Satoshi Takeishi and Blaise Siwula as well as with Sten Hostfalt and Andy O’Neill, and collaborated with American poet Mark Weber. She has won numerous awards for her poetry, fiction, and drama. Her latest works have been published in France, Italy, and the USA. She has performed in New York at places such as Down Town Music Gallery and Bowery Poetry Club, The Brecht Forum, and The Stone. Cycles (mixed Media, with Pastor and English Translation by Anthony Barnett) and the CD Narcete (in quartet avec Pastor, Haslam, and Steve Waterman); Racconti dill’ombra; I canti occhio (short stories), Motions, Signs and Nel gesto nel susono). La percezione-decifrazione dell’evento musicale, a book of interviews with professional musicians from different countries. K. Filiano (R. Moshe), J. Pietaro, and Erika Dagnino Quartet were her founding members in New York. Their cd Signs recorded at 17th Frost Theatre, Brooklyn, November 2012, will soon be published in Europe. The Erika Dagnino Trio was formed with Satoshi Takeishi and Satoshi Filiano. She is also a member the Dissident Arts Orchestra in New York City and the Radical Arts Front. from