After musical studies, followed by the music master Tolmino Marianini at the school of music in Fiesole and then taking private lessons from Bill Campbell (the leading trumpeter at the municipial theatre of Florence, Franco Baggiani qualified as a trumpeter in 1988 at the officially-recognized institute “Franci” of Siena. 1983-1990, he studied composition and counterpoint at the school for music in Fiesole. He was trained in orchestra leadership by Stefano Riddi between 1988 and 1992. 1989-1991 Specialization in Counterpoint under Angelo Bianchi. 1984-1988 He studied jazz improvisation at both the CAM in Florence, and the CIM in Scandicci. 1984-1989 he studied harmony and arrangement jazz at CAM in Florence. He also attended courses at CIM Scandicci for ensamble musical. He completed a two-year course in arrangement and composition for jazz orchestra in 1989. In 1990, he also took the combo course given by Bruno Tommaso at CIM in Scandicci. 1988 Siena Jazz: Harmony and composition courses for big bands and courses in ensemble music by Enrico Pierannunzi, Mauro Grossi. 1989 Course in combo jazz arrangement with M. Grossi, CIM in Scandicci. 1989 He attends the Siena Jazz summer stage about composition for a jazz orchestra with G. Gazzini. Also, he studies styles in jazz music history. 1990, he was instructed music by Otto Sauter, the leading trumpeter of the civic theatre of Brema. Course organized by the conservatory in Brema. Sean Bergin, a jazz soloist, taught 1991 at the music house of Birmingham. 1984-1987 Numerous concerts with “Fandango”, a pop group. Performs at many important festivals. They won the first rock festival at Xenon in 1986 (ex Studio 54), and they were second at Tenax’s Controradio rock contest in 1985. The single “The Eagle”, which was included in the compilation “New rock Italy”, has been recorded by them. Franco Baggiani composed the music and arrangements. He founded and led the rithm’n blues band “Nova Hudba” from 1987 to 1991. They performed many concerts throughout Italy, as well as a brief tour in April 1988 in Czechoslovakia. 1990-1991: He founded and led the jazz-funk band “Milestones”, which includes Bollani, Morelli and Coppini as well as Downie and Baini. They won the Chianciano jazz section in 1990. He is the founder and leader for the Sound Orchestra, where he has written many original arrangements. 1992: He and Andrea Coppini found the “sound street band”, a well-known marching band that is popular in all parts of Italy. He founded the electric jazz group Urban Funk between 1993 and 2004. Numerous tours of Italy, performances at the most important cafes and clubs in Italy (Leoncavallo and Le scimmie in MI; classico village, Saxophone Club RM, Saxophone Club CT; Taxi Driver CT, Vox VE), Made in bo BO and Full moon TP, Gilgamesh To, Palasport di Firenze, etc. Co-ordinator, director and co-director of many combo jazz events from 1990 to 2014. Performs throughout Europe and Italy. Director and founder of the soulbeat orchestra. Onda Mediterrranea Festival’s first performances were organized by the school for music of Pelago-Rufina-Pontassieve. He was involved in and produced many original productions such as the “Grande Orchestra dell’altra Volta” (contemporary Jazz Orchestra) and the Florentine Chamber Orchestra. He also created and directed the Arcangelo Corelli chamber music orchestra, which explores great classics like Beethoven, Corelli and Ponchielli. He was the producer of Soundgospeltrain’s new album. In 2008, he released “Think”, an outstanding album that features original music and works by Joseph Jarman, Roscoe Mitchell, and Lester Bowie. The album is dedicated to the days when free music was still available. It received rave reviews from Asian, European, North American, and North American press. He released “My Way Through the Jungle” in 2009, a groovey and rhythmic album that reflects his love of electric jazz. It recreates the Davis-like atmospheres of the 1970s. He was the man behind the Onda Mediterranea Festival’s original production in 2010. It featured his original music and arrangements, as well as guest trumpeter Fabrizio Bolsso. He released “Florentine session”, his 2011 album dedicated to total improvisation with 15 musicians. He releases the album “Dead City” with the Florence Art Orchestra in 2013. This is his third release on Sound Records. In some ways, it’s the artist’s personal journey through his musical experience and thoughts. In 2009 he formed the “IFS” Ensemble, which he directed in an almost regular monthly concert at the Florence Jazz Club: the group still performs together and recently played at the Prato Jazz Summer festival in the summer of 2013. from