
Grutronic is a group of four musicians with diverse backgrounds who work together in an unique electronic style. They blend electronic and acoustic sounds to create unique textures, and give them compositional direction. The result is a complex and shifting soundscape. Grutronic apply a physicality to electronic instruments. They understand that human energy is what gives sound, form and soul. Grutronic have many influences, including contemporary classical, free jazz and improvisation, funk, and abstract electronica. They usually perform as a four-piece, but they often invite an acoustic soloist to join them for a quintet. You have two options: the guest can try to enter the Grutronic world, which is a slippery, bendy electronic improvisation. Or they can take the music wherever they want. The band will support them. This has been done by Grutronic with Clive Bell, Orphy Robinson (Homelife), Alice Kemp, and other shakuhachi masters. They are just thrown in at deepend. There are no rules. Only questions and the music that needs to be played. They are reliant on listening, feeling and improvisation, as well as their faith in their audience to help them travel. from

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