Like so many in Melbourne’s thriving contemporary jazz scene, Frank DiSario and Phil Collings can be found playing in different bands with different people almost every other week. For this latest project DiSario and Collings find themselves exploring the acoustic piano trio format with Melbourne pianist and ceramicist Colin Hopkins. The original recordings were made in 2011 but this album Borrowed Time has only recently been released through new label Crackbell Records (, co-directed by Collings and Hopkins. As we’ve come to expect from each of these players, the focus is on musical space and a shared experience rather than on individual jazz chops. What makes this album work so well is the relationship between the rhythm section’s energetic and inventive backbone with the near-classicism of Colin Hopkins’ subtle but assured piano playing. This is never more apparent than on the Radiohead cover ‘No Surprises’ – just in case we needed another reminder that Yorke, Greenwood and Co.’s success was built around musicianship and not fashion. Ultimately this is a refined and truly elegant piece of work. Like any good album there are musical twists and turns along the way – DiSario’s high-register bass on ‘The Swallow’ takes on a Flamenco edge, while ‘Name with No Name’ sits on a wonderfully punctuated jazz groove. The recordings were made in Hopkins’ kitchen and given that he already shares his time between music, ceramics and architecture it wouldn’t be at all surprising to learn that he can also cook – it sounds like his collaborators ate very well during these sessions! from