John Stetch

John Stetch, a fine pianist whose improvisations can be influenced by World Music, has been recording regularly for Terra Nova since 1992. Stetch was 10 years old when he discovered Charlie Parker’s music and began practicing piano. After taking private lessons, Stetch moved to Montreal where he received a McGill University music degree. Stetch was a regular on Montreal’s jazz scene. He recorded his debut album for Terra Nova (Rectangle Man) in 1992. He moved to New York City later in the year, although he continued to play in Canada. He joined TanaReid 1994 and recorded many sets for Terra Nova. Also, he recorded an album of Ukranian folk songs for Global Village (1996). John Stetch, in addition to his own projects, has recorded with TanaReid and appeared on recordings by Chris Case, Takeshi Iomata, Charles Licata, and many others. Stetch’s fall 2000 release Heavens of a Hundred Days was a continuation of his original material.

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