Marc Ribot, an eclectic guitarist, has recorded many different music throughout his career. He worked with Elvis Costello and Tom Waits’ Rain Dogs. He also recorded compositions for the classical guitar by Haitian guitarist Franz Casseus. Ribot has been active in New York City’s avant-garde music scene, including as a member and founder of the Lounge Lizards. His solo albums include Rootless Cosmopolitans, and Requiem For What’s His Name. Later, Ribot collaborated with Shrek, an avant-garde jazz-rock fusion group whose eponymous debut album was released in 1994. He also released The Prosthetic Cubans and Muy Divertido in 1998 with Los Cubanos Postizos. Two years later, he followed suit. Ribot was also a key figure in the creation of the Radical New Jewish Culture Festival in Germany, and New York City. He has released many recordings since then, including Scelsi Morning, Vol. 3, and Asmodeus: The Book of Angels. 7 in 2007 and Party Intellectuals 2008 Ribot was featured on numerous recordings in 2009 by Cyro Baptista and John Zorn. He issued Ultime Cosmos and Silent Movies in 2010. from