Mica, a jazz composer, arranger and band leader, is based in Jacksonville, Florida. Both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in music were earned at the University of North Florida. He was awarded the Downbeat Magazine undergraduate arranger award in 2012. He is also co-owner of Cue Note, a jazz venue and billiards room, as well as a board member of the Jazz Discovery Series. Although he has written music for many different ensembles, he prefers the big band format. This is mostly because he enjoys writing it. His two albums, Mica Bethea Big Band (the self-titled Mica Bethea Big Band) and Stage n’ Studio (the self-titled Mica Bethea Big Band), show his passion for this instrumentation. His big band features some of the most talented performers from the North Florida region and occasional special guests. He has had the privilege of working with many top musicians, including Rene Marie, Michael Dease and Todd DelGiudice. Linda Cole and Charles Turner also played his music. from http://micabethea.com