Experience MWENDO DAWA Jazz – Freeform – Fusion – Avant Garde – Electro Acoustic Music or simply MWENDO DAWA Susanna Lindeborg (leader) and Ove Johansson (developer) are the two main musicians of the group. However, it also includes four strong personalities as well as four extremely skilled musicians and improvisers. You will need to listen to all of Mwendo Dawa’s music, from the 70s to today. The group has a modern sound that is searching for new expressions and forms of expression. The acoustic instruments were always the main focus, but electronic instruments and computers later became a means of musical expression. It is not necessary that you follow the entire musical journey. You can simply accept the music and take your time to listen. SUSANNA LINDEBORG’S MWENDO DAWA can be an exciting listen. When the group was founded in 1970, they were pioneers in combining Jazz and traditional instruments with the new possibilities offered by modern instruments. They are still there. Mwendo Dawa was also a nursery for many well-known Swedish musicians, including Anders Jormin and Lars Danielsson (bass), and Ulf Wakenius (guitar). MWENDO DAWA’s music is based on improvisation in serial technique using electro acoustic backgrounds, but with a strong rythmical approach. The group is as pioneering as ever. MWENDO DAWA has been updated on all fronts. The musical vision is still there, but it has grown and changed with technological advancements. It begs the question, if MWENDO DAWA has improved beyond all expectations. from http://www.lj-records.se