The project aims to make parallels between musical modes and colors (musical colors). However, it also serves as an excuse to tell a personal story. Because everything is inevitably interpreted. Even if you attempt to find an objective truth, this is not always the case. The project attempts to dissect each particle and analyze each atom. However, each time it attempts to transcribe a message it will be biased due to the translations that create its own filters and prisms. He tries to separate himself from his emotional side, but despite his best efforts, he cannot help but admit that his emotions can influence his decisions. The project revolves around the guitar and its machine. It defends a specific musical color and does not mix any of its influences. However, the fusion, even with an open mind, will still be considered etiquette. M is the guitar Z, it is the machine. The idea is to also create a bridge between electronic and organic music, between the code and its acceptance, and the need for people to get out. Bandcamp