Nicolas Folmer is a rare trumpeter. His many talents make him stand out. He is a remarkable jazz instrumentalist with a wide expressive range. He is not only a skilled composer and arranger as he has shown through the many sheet music he signed for the Paris Jazz Big Band. However, he is also an exemplary leader who is open to new adventures. This led him to meet some of the most famous jazz musicians such as Daniel Humair or David Liebman. He is a Grenoble native who discovered his vocation early as a trumpeter and songwriter. His first submission of sheet music was to a local band at the age of 11. Nicolas Folmer was a member of the National Jazz Orchestra, led by Didier Lavallet, from 1996 to 2000. This followed a stellar education at the National Music Academy of Paris. He was familiar with Latin music and practiced with famous South American expatriates (Orlando Poleao Anga Diaz, Yuri Buenaventura ). In 2001, he also registered an album with Nojazz, a French pioneer of electro-jazz. The Paris Jazz Big Band was co-founded 1997 by Pierre Bertrand and Nicolas Folmer. from