Paul Rutherford, a British trombonist (1940), was an alumnus of the Spontaneous Music Ensemble (1966), of Mike Westbrook’s orchestra (1967), of the Globe Unity Orchestra ( 1970) and of Iskra 1903 (70). He kept refining the language of his instrument until the solo “The Gentle Harm of the Bourgeoisie” (december 1974). This demonstrated its ability to do everything it did by itself. Rutherford’s trombone recording used simple means to create complex, humorous and extroverted music. Rutherford was a charismatic leader, recording very little. His solo discography from the golden age of improvised music was closed with the live Old Moers Almanac (june 1976), and Neuph (january 1977). This trio alternates trombone and Euphonium and adds overdubs. One for Two and Two Twos (august 1978), documents a quartet featuring John Stevens (drum set).