Rolf-erik Nystrøm

ROLF-ERIK NYSTROM – Norwegian saxophonist. Born 1975. The Young Peoples Lindemanprice 2005 was awarded to him (the highest award for young Norwegian musicians). Artist grant from Norway 2004-05 and 2010-12, & National Concert Council’s debut price 2001. Sinfonieorkester Basel and the Oslo Philharmonic have featured him as a soloist. Norwegian Radio Symph.Orch., TM+ (Nanterre), Oslo Sonfonietta, Kaput Ensemble (Iceland), Norwegian State Academy Orch. Other sinfoniettas from Norway and Finland. (Works by Rosing-Schow, Feld, Thommessen, Kruse, Rohloff, Francesconi, Lars P.Hagen, Paus, F.Martin, Nordin, Buene and himself.) In 2009, he performed in Norway as Ultima (soloist with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra). Solo concerto in Oslo Domkirke w/Kare Nordstoga), Festspillene i Bergen(soloist at the opening ceremony), Litteraturfestivalen i Lillehammer (Riksscenen), Osafestivalen), Soddjazz (John Cage exhibition at Henie Onstad), Frankrike, Festivalen What’s New i Nanterre), Tyskland (Odense), Tadjikistan (Cerkno Jazzfestival), Slovenia (Cerkno Jazzfestival), Slovenia (Cerkno Jazzfestival), LeLein, Jesper Nordin, Hing-yan Chen, and Hing-yan Nordin). : Christian Wolff, Sachiyo Tsurumi, Luca Francesconi, Julian Skar, Olav Anthon Thommessen, Richard Barrett, Marcus Paus, Ruben Sverre Gjertsen, Rolf Wallin, Ignas Krunglevicius, Sergej Nevsky, Sam Hayden, Herman Vogt, Hing-yan Chen, Jesper Nordin, LeiLei Tian etc. His recitals have been in China, Brazil and Hong Kong as well as in India, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka, India, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. Australia, Ivory Coast. Greenland. Faroe Islands. Iceland. Poland. Aland. He has written music for various musictheatre plays and documentaries, as well as music for dance, film, and documentary. He also holds the exam for the highest degree in music theory from the Norwegian State Academy of Music. John Edward Kelly. He released Concepts of Sorrows & Dangers his first solo album in 2006. It was nominated for the Norwegian Grammy and received high praise from all major Norwegian newspapers. He also worked as a producer for other artists’ albums. He performs contemporary music as well as jazz, funk and falak, along with rock and early baroque music. He has had over 100 pieces written especially for him, including concertos and solo pieces by a.o. : Aagaard-Nilsen, Adderley, Asgeirsson, J.Balke, R.Berge, Boivin, Bratlie, Buene, Chan HingYan, Ciancio, Diendorfer, Feiler, Finnissy, Flo, Francesconi, Franzson, Fundal, G.Groven, J.Gustavsson, Hagen, Hagerup, Haydn, Hegdal, Heyn, Holmboe, Holopainen, Hyvarinen, Ikeda, Ingolfsson, Jono El Grande, Kozakura, Krunglevicius, Kruse, Lievonen, Lindborg, Lindwall, Lutzow-Holm, Maros, Motiekaitis, Nordin, Oh, Paus, Ratkje, Rautonikytae, Reinholdtsen, Riley, Rohloff, Sandgren, Skar, Steen Andersen, Stenvaag, H.H.Sunde, K.O.Sunde, Soderlind, Thelin, Thommessen, Torvund, Tsurumi, Tysland, Vogt, Wallin, Waring, Yamamoto, Z.Overli and more.

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