The son of Lonnie Brooks, the guitarist plays soul-inflected Chicago Blues. Ronnie Baker Brooks is the son of Lonnie Brooks, a legendary Chicago blues guitarist. He continues the family tradition that his brother Wayne Baker Brooks has also preserved. Ronnie started playing the guitar at an early age and was soon playing bass in his father’s touring band. However, he did not launch his own recording career until 1998 when he released Golddigger, just after his 30th Birthday. Brooks was born Rodney Dion Baker, Chicago, Illinois on January 23, 1967. At nine years old, he made his first appearance on stage with his father Lonnie. However, he continued to school and graduated from Hales Franciscan High School, 1985. Ronnie joined Lonnie’s group the next year as a bass player, but he switched to guitar when the 1988 live album, Live from Chicago: Bayou Lightning strikes, was released. Brooks continued touring for the next ten year, often with his father Lonnie and other Alligator musicians. He became a headliner at the New Orleans Jazz in 1992 when he replaced his ailing father.