Sambalanco Trio, a Brazilian samba-jazz band, was formed by Cesar Camargo Mariano and Humberto Clayber (piano), and Airto Moreira on drums. The band began playing in 1964, and it lasted about two years. Its albums are still considered to be some of the greatest works of that period. They also influenced many other forms of jazz and samba. This group was formed in 1964 in Sao Paulo (Brazil). They were the first to perform at Joao Sebastiao bar, one of the most popular Bossa Nova nightclubs. The group also met Lennie Dale, an American dancer, in the same nightclub. The Sambalanco Trio was a blend of Bossa Nova, Jazz and Brazilian popular music. The band released two albums in the same year: Sambalanco Trio and Samblues. They recorded A vontade mésmo with Raul de Souza in 1965. The group also recorded their fourth album, Reencontro com Sambalanco Trio, in 1965. Sambalanco Trio and Lennie Dale performed a eight-month theatrical production in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1965. Later, this work was recorded and released under the name Lennie Dale