The trio of brutal-jazz powerhouses Schnellertollermeier is not afraid to show their true colors. You can hear their uncompromising attitude even before you hear a single note of their music. It’s evident in the name, which is a deliberate tongue-twister. Their uncompromising mix of punk, jazz, rock, sound, and free improvised musical compositions, combined with excellent musicianship, interplay, and lots of energy, instantly hits the bullseye. All three musicians behind the music are eclectic: guitarist Manuel Troller and bassist Andi Schnellmann. Drummer David Meier is also involved. Schnellmann graduated from the Jazz School of Lucerne. Troller studied with Fred Frith, a British guitarist legend, and collaborated with Gerry Hemingway (the U.S. jazz composer). Meier’s unique ability to use his voice in many musical contexts has made them one of the most sought after drummers of their generation. He has toured all over Europe as well as China, Japan, and Russia. from