Shauna Antoniuc Anderson

Shauna was raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts by her singing and music-loving family. At a young age, she began her musical journey in the basement of Grandpa Murphy’s home, where she spent hours playing an out-of-tune upright piano. She moved to the acoustic after piano playing did not appeal to her. She quit quickly, frustrated by Ryan’s faster pace. It was much easier to sing. Shauna began singing professionally at Sacred Heart High School, Kingston, MA. She was active in drama and chorus, with Sisters Rosalie (Singing Sisters) and Rosemund (Singing Sisters). Chiquita Banana was her first solo in chorus. * She longed to form a band and perform at the downtown clubs when she arrived at U. of Vermont. She was studying in the library when she noticed a sign that stated, “WANTED: Singer to start a new Acid Jazz band.” She took down the sign and called the number the next day. By the end of the week, she had joined Belizbeha. This was March 1994. Belizbeha toured the country extensively for the next 6 years and recorded 2 CDs with all original material. Belizbeha performed on the same stage as Kool.

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