Stacy Rowles was a jazz trumpeter and fluegelhorn player, who had been an active member of the Los Angeles jazz scene since 1980s. She was 54. Ms. Rowles, the daughter of jazz composer Jimmy Rowles and pianist, was inexplicably under-discovered. She is more well-known in Europe than America and on the West Coast, than she is in New York. She sang softly, but with great power, and played melodic, restful solos. She made her name with the help of her father, who she played guitar until his death in 1996. Mr. Rowles recorded “I’m Glad there Is You”, “Me and the Moon”, and “Looking Back” under the leadership of both Rowlesses. Ms. Rowles also released “Tell It Like It is” in 1984, her last album as a leader. In the early ’90s, dad and daughter shared a weekly gig in Linda’s Jazz Club, Los Angeles. Ms. Rowles was a regular member of several all-female jazz bands, including the Jazz Birds, Maiden Voyage and Maiden Voyage. She also performed with Betty O’Hara and the European band Witchcraft. They had been touring since 2002. In addition to her sister, of Cambria, Calif., she is survived by her brother, Gary, of Lebanon, Ore. from