The SVIN’s all-man avantgardists are an unrestricted unit with a mission to increase genre diversity in a music industry where the money register is the main driver. SVIN was founded in 2008 and released their debut album “Heimat” (2010, 2010). They have made a positive impact on the Danish and international music scenes. Two tours to Germany in recent years were followed by gigs at many top-flight music venues and festivals. The band received great reviews at the SPOT festival, where they gained a lot of attention. They released “Secretly We Are Gay” in spring 2013. Right now, they are working on material for their third album. This will be available in spring 2014. SVIN is a unique approach to instrumental music. The band combines Sonic Youth’s repressed aggression with madness with Arvo Parts’s fragile melodic vein to create an extrovert African drumfest. They have made themselves heirs to the pioneers of modern music in a way that transcends claustrophobic genre divisions and narrow definitions. SVIN is a celebration of freedom in music, and hails independence and love as well as endless diversity in art. SVIN is: Lars Bech Pilgaard: Guitar Henrik Pultz Melbye: Tenorsax/clarinet Magnus Bak: March-baryton Thomas Eiler: Drums from