The Next Step Quintet

The Next Step Quintet, a jazz band, is based in Athens (Greece). Thodoris Kotsyfas, Giannis Papadopoulos and Ntinos Manos (double basses), respectively, were still students at the Music Department at the Ionian University. They had a shared vision of music and formed their “four-member quintet”. The four members of the quintet teamed up with Orfeas, a Swedish Saxophone player, to create their album. After a year of intense creativity, the album was released by Puzzlemusik. Tsoukalas did not contribute to the album. However, the original four members were joined by a number of guest artists including JD Walter (New York) and Tivon Pennicott (tenor saxophonist). The band’s second album “II” features guest stars Takis Paterelis and Tivon Pennicott (Tenor Saxophone) and will be available on discogs in November 2015.

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