We are Elisabeth and Nora Hugues, Nathan, and Nathan. We are Cellists with offices in Paris, Cologne, and Berlin. We love our instruments. We love music. We love improvisation! We met in March 2013, and we improvised in Cologne. Four cellists, who had never performed together before. One might expect a homogeneous and ego-driven mess of sounds. It turned out that we were all very generous and that something special happened that night. In a very organic way, OCTOPUS WAS BORNE Why Octopus It’s simple: animals are generally cool. Have you ever seen an Octopus gliding along the ocean floor with his eight arms slinging, curling, and slinging with incredible virtuosity. How does this make us Octopuses? It’s not hard to see: we also have eight arms but four brains. These arms are like a musical Voltron. However, they come from different parts of the world and have different backgrounds. One arm plays Jazz, the other Bach, and yet they all improvise together and listen to each other. There’s a lot going on in the Octopus brain. Discussions, clashes, unexpected deviations from thought… and 8-armed dreams that lead him to incredible, unexplored territories deep under the sea. Octopus is open-minded and flexible. He loves to swim alone and improvise, but he also enjoys being around other creative creatures. from https://thecellooctopus.wordpress.com