Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra was renamed after Tuxedo Dance Hall, New Orleans. From 1910 to 1913, the band performed there until it was closed down after a shooting. After the closing of the ballroom, Papa Celestin, the band’s leader, led a brass band called the Tuxedo Brass Band. These recordings are of an earlier version that Celestin created in 1917. The Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra played throughout the Gulf Coast until the 1930s when Celestin was forced to quit the music industry by the Depression. His music career was revived during the Dixieland revival in the late 1940s and he continued playing music until his death, on March 4, 1954. Zutty Singleton, Johnny St. Cyr and Louis Armstrong all played in Celestin’s bands at the beginning of their careers. From www.redhotjazz.com