Tim Richards, a London-based pianist, has been an integral part of the UK and international jazz scenes since the 1980s. Tim first encountered a piano at age 8 in a waiting room of a dentist. He began learning jazz and blues at the age of 14 after taking classical piano lessons. He formed the iconic modern jazz band Spirit Level in 1979. The band toured Europe extensively in the 1980s and 1990s. It released seven albums and was nominated for the 1995 British Jazz Awards. Tim has also won critical acclaim for his work as an arranger and composer. His nine-piece band Great Spirit has included key players such as Tony Kofi and Gilad Atzmon. In 2005, the band released Epistrophy (33Jazz120), which received a 5-star online review. They toured the UK in November 2006, accompanied by Jari Perkiomaki (finnish saxophonist), with the support of a PRS Foundation New Music Award. Tim holds a Masters Degree from London’s Trinity College of Music in composition. He has also written pieces for various non-jazz ensembles such as string quartets and symphony orchestras. He also collaborates with dancers or filmmakers. from www.timrichards.ndo.co.uk/