Gabriele Buonasorte’s new recording project, The Taste of A Second Life, is Gabriele Buonasorte’s new recording project. After five years of being involved in the production of two major recording projects of the singer/songwriter scene as well as sideman with many renowned musicians, he returns to international jazz with a new work and three outstanding musicians. The new explosive quartet TIME-LAPSE includes Greg Burk (Piano-Synthesizers), Gabriele Laszrotti (Bass), and John B. Arnold(Drums and Live electronics). This album is a concept album with some free explorations, ambient colours, and electro/acoustic textures. Through a series musical paintings, it recounts a period in the composer’s life. He experienced fear of death but also discovered an overwhelming force that has led to a rapid recovery. This has been followed up by his second, human, professional life. Bandcamp