Tony Tixier

Tony Tixier was born 1986 in Montreuil France. He began studying classical piano at the conservatory when he was just six years old. He made his stage debut one year later. He was a student of choral, counterpoint and classical harmony, as well writing and composition. He received his Honors DFE (Dance of the Organ) in Musical Training (12 year), and his DFE (Classical Piano) with Pascal Gallet (14) years. Tony Tixier’s first album, Parallel Worlds was released in 2009. It featured a septet that uses bold orchestral writing to create a laboratory of sounds, climates and soundscapes. This clearly demonstrates his interest in orchestration as well as musical research. He signed with SpaceTime Record and released “Dream Pursuit” in 2012. It featured an American quartet that included Justin Brown, Logan Richardson, and Burniss Earl Trav. Jazz Magazine has called the album Dream Pursuit “Revelation”. Tony was the opening act for Herbie Hancock in ClermontFerrand’s Jazz En Tete Festival 2012. He also performed with Scott Tixier, his twin brother and violinist. In 2013, he created a Concertino for piano/string quintet in seven movement. This concerto combines classical writing with contemporary jazz and contemporary music. He also led concert activities abroad and in France. Jason Moran recommended Tony Tixier, Scott Tixier, and they participated in the commissioned work of Janet Cardiff in 2014. They composed and improvised the music for this project, which was part of the Foundation Louis Vuitton Paris’s inaugural program (Architect: Frank Gehry). Tony Tixier resides in New York, but he tours worldwide. He has performed at many art galleries, including the Jazz Gallery and Iridium, since he moved to New York. In a few months, he will release his new album. from

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