Twin Talk, a Chicago saxophone trio, has been steadily moving away from the traditional conventions since their 2012 formation. Although Dustin Laurenzi, Katie Ernst, the bassist, and Andrew Green are all deeply rooted in jazz tradition and have spent time together on the band stage making their music more fluid, spontaneous and open to new ideas without losing the spirit of their music. Twin Talk is a collective voice that all three musicians have found. They are all active members of the city’s jazz community and each play in a variety of working bands. Live performances have been used as an opportunity to stretch, including expanding on prepared material and abandoning set lists in favour of calling tunes on-the-fly. But on their new album Weaver, they push themselves further, using the studio as a place to experiment, letting new compositions take shape and develop. As critic Howard Reich wrote recently in the Chicago Tribune, “These musicians listen keenly to one another, and with a sensitivity that only comes from familiarity and trust.” from